
This is the Transportation Planning Board's documentation of the Financially Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP) for the National Capital Region approved by the Board on November 16, 2016.

The CLRP identifies all of the regionally significant capital improvements to the region’s highway and transit systems that area transportation agencies expect to make and to be able to afford over the next 20 plus years. It also outlines all anticipated spending on operations and maintenance of the current and future transportation system over the same timeframe.

Latest 2016 CLRP Documents

2016 CLRP Brochure

Brochure of the 2016 CLRP Amendment

Full Report of the 2016 CLRP Amendment

Full Report of the Air Quality Conformity Analysis of the 2016 CLRP Amendment

Key Approved Documents

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The investments in the CLRP aim to meet the
mobility and accessibility needs of the region now
and into the future.

  • There are more than 500 regionally significant
    capital improvements adding or removing highway
    or transit capacity and therefore might affect future
    air quality. In all, the plan includes nearly 1,200
    new lane-miles of roadway and 76 new miles of
    high capacity transit.
  • The financial plan identifies a total of $244 billion
    in available revenue to build, operate, and maintain
    the transportation system spelled out in the CLRP.
  • Emissions of two key pollutants regulated by
    EPA are expected to remain below approved
    regional limits.

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