Homeland Security & Public Safety


Below are the most recent publications of the Public Safety & Homeland Security section. Visit the documents search page to change filter parameters or to search by title.

  • Annual-Report-on-Crime-and-Crime-Control

    Report on Crime and Crime Control

    October 11, 2023

    This report provides information to governmental officials and the public as to the nature of the crime problem in the COG region. It also provides law...

  • Document

    COVID-19 Travel Monitoring Snapshot

    May 10, 2022

    These reports illustrate how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted travel in metropolitan Washington between March of 2020 and December of 2022. The charts show...

  • Document

    Homeland Security Executive Committee Regional Guidance

    June 5, 2018

    The Regional Guidance informs jurisdictional decision-makers on the region’s threats, response capabilities, and priorities to ensure state and local...

  • 911_Gaps

    Final Report of 9-1-1 Service Gaps During and Following the Derecho Storm

    March 13, 2013

    Report by local 9-1-1 directors and government officials focuses on preventing outages to the vital service, such as the one that occurred...

  • IMRfinal1

    Report of the Steering Committee on Incident Management and Response

    November 9, 2011

    The Steering Committee on Incident Management and Response (IMR) offered recommendations to improve regional coordination, communication, preparedness,...

Results: 10 documents found.