Region Forward Blog

The Morning Measure: Discussion on the future of smart growth continues

Feb 2, 2011


Here on The Morning Measure we’ve discussed the necessary evolution of smart growth a couple of times. In December we noted that the existing principles of smart growth must be augmented by things like access to health care and fulfilling jobs. In January with the smart growth report card for Maryland as an impetus we again argued that a more comprehensive approach to smart growth needs to be constructed (and that states with good track records can’t be allowed to rest on their laurels).

That conversation is continuing and has broken into more mainstream outlets. Haya Nasser an urban affairs reporter at USA Today has an interesting piece contending that smart growth will be surmounted by the notion of “intelligent cities.” By marrying traditional smart growth principles with modern technology it’s more than a semantic change. Today Julia Serazio at Next American City gives the Nasser piece a critical eye. She agrees with the idea that technology can help improve planning not least by adding another dimension of democracy to the process. However Serazio warns against becoming too dependent on technology arguing that snap-judgment planning facilitated by the ever-increasing speeds of technology may reduce necessary reflection prior to decision-making.


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