
Cooperative Purchasing

COG initiated its Cooperative Purchasing Program in 1971 with the basic objective of reducing costs through economies of scale created through volume buying. By taking advantage of the combined purchasing power of participating jurisdictions, volume buying saves jurisdictions and their taxpayers money.

The program also promotes sharing information among area purchasing officials, and encourages continuing education for procurement professionals throughout the region.Through the Chief Purchasing Officers Committee, participating agencies, school boards, authorities, and commissions cooperatively bid on more than 20 different purchases, resulting in larger volume and better unit pricing. 

COG has a partnership with the Baltimore Metropolitan Council and their members called the Mid-Atlantic Purchasing Team (MAPT), which provides additional opportunities to participate in cooperative purchases and to ride on the contracts of these jurisdictions, taking advantage of the buying power of the entire National Capitol Region and the Greater Baltimore Area.

Currently, regional cooperative purchasing opportunities are available for bottled water, water and wastewater treatment chemicals, medical supplies, gasoline and diesel fuel, office furniture, banking services, electrical supplies, public safety equipment, software and training, and more.

Members also have the opportunity to use the the Rider Clause to join existing awards and avoid the need to do in-house bidding. 

COG also manages a Vendor Registration System (VRS) that exposes our member procurements to over 20,000 regional vendors - Vendor Registration System. All COG’s formal bids are done through the VRS Lockbox and require bidders to be registered on the system.  


For more information about the Cooperative Purchasing Program, please contact


Harnessing the Region's Purchasing Power

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)

COG-led solicitation that resulted in several awards for the purchase of SCBA for regional fire Departments. 

(Arlington County Fire Department)

Gas & Diesel Fuel

Gas & Diesel Fuel

COG assisted in creating a consortium of over 20 participants to purchase over 30 million gallons of fuel annually saving hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

(Doc Searls/Flickr)

EMS Medical Supplies

EMS Medical Supplies

COG has two contracts in place for EMS supplies covering over 300 different items as well as a catalog award with hundreds of other types of supplies. 

(Yellowstone National Park/Flickr)

Water Treatment Chemicals

Water Treatment Chemicals

COG led a consortium of local water agencies to award multiple contracts for water chemicals providing supply chain depth for the region.

(Joost Nelissen/Flickr)

Public Safety Training

Public Safety Training

COG has several contracts in place for health and public safety training for agencies in the region.

Search and Rescue Software

Search and Rescue Software

COG has an active award providing search and rescue management software for first responders within the metropolitan Washington region.

(Joint Task Force-Bravo Soto Cano Air Base/Flickr)