News Release

COG Recognizes Loudoun County Chairman Scott York for Regional Leadership

Dec 9, 2015
Scott York Wins Scull Award

Chuck Bean, Bill Euille, Scott York, and Muriel Bowser

Washington, DC – Scott York, chairman of the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors, was honored today for his outstanding regional leadership by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) at its annual meeting. Chairman York received COG’s highest honor, the Elizabeth and David Scull Award for Metropolitan Public Service.

York was recognized for his service on the COG Board of Directors and the Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at COG. Among his many contributions, one of York’s lasting legacies will be his commitment to bringing the Silver Line to Dulles Airport and Loudoun County.

In addition to his contributions to regional transportation initiatives, York also played a key role in development of the Regional Drought Plan. As part of the COG Drought Coordination Committee, York aided in the creation of a regional blueprint for incorporating drought awareness and response into the region’s Water Supply Emergency Plan. As a result, the region’s local governments now have an enhanced strategy for responding to drought emergencies.

Marc Bashoor Wins Kirby Award

Chuck Bean, Bill Euille, Marc Bashoor, Rushern Baker, and Muriel Bowser

COG honored Prince George’s County Fire Chief Marc Bashoor with the Ronald F. Kirby Award for Collaborative Leadership. As Chairman of the COG Fire Chiefs Committee, Bashoor worked closely with WMATA and COG staff following the January Metrorail smoke incident to improve emergency coordination and communication between Metro and first responders.

BMC Wins Regional Partnership Award

Chuck Bean, Bill Euille, Kevin Kamenetz, Michael Kelly, and Muriel Bowser

COG recognized the Baltimore Metropolitan Council (BMC) with its Regional Partnership Award. One of BMC’s strongest partnerships with COG is its Mid-Atlantic Purchasing Team (MAPT), a cooperative purchasing effort. Created in 2012, MAPT strengthens the region’s purchasing power and the ability to attract lower prices through volume buying. MAPT currently has 11 cooperative contracts – including office supplies, tires, road salt, ice melt, and diesel fuel.

In addition to presenting its regional awards, COG elected its 2016 corporate officers. Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker was elected President, while City of Falls Church Mayor David Tartar and Council of the District of Columbia Chairman Phil Mendelson were both elected as Vice Presidents. Penny Gross, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors vice chairman, will serve as Secretary-Treasurer.

The Scull Award is presented annually to a local, state, or federal elected official for outstanding service to the metropolitan Washington region. It is named after the late Montgomery County Councilmembers, who were strong supporters of COG and regional cooperation.   

The Ronald F. Kirby Award for Collaborative Leadership is presented in the memory of Ron Kirby, COG’s Director of Transportation Planning from 1987 to 2013. The award recognizes non-elected government executives, who work collaboratively with elected officials, stakeholders, and their communities to shape a better region.

The Regional Partnership Award is presented to organizations or individuals who have worked with COG to improve the quality of life for area residents. 


Contact: Laura Ambrosio
Phone: (202) 962-3278
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