Green Affordable Housing & Jobs Forum

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

JW Marriott Hotel

Contact: George L. Nichols

Green Affordable Housing & Jobs Forum

Protecting the Most Vulnerable While Expanding Washington’s Green Economy

J.W. Marriot Hotel
Washington, DC

Featured Discussions

  • What is the Cost of Affordable Housing that is not Green?
  • Role of Government in Transforming the Market in Making Affordable Green Housing
  • The Green Economy: Jobs and Economic Development Potential
  • Green Collar Jobs in the Housing Sector

Featured Vendor Applications and Demonstrations

View the event's draft program.

View the event flyer.

Exhibit space is now available

Registration is required:

  • Local Elected/Appointed Official - FREE (when registering, please select "payment by check" for free registrations)
  • Participant fee - $40
  • Exhibitor fee - $200
  • Register online and pay by credit card or check 

For more information contact George Nichols (202) 962-3355. 

Sponsored by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments

~ in collaboration with ~

Enterprise Community Partners Inc.
District of Columbia Department of the Environment
US Environmental Protection Agency