Visualize 2045

Take the Visualize 2045 survey!

Jun 28, 2017

Introducing Visualize 2045!

Work is now underway on a new kind of long-range transportation plan for the National Capital Region. We're calling it Visualize 2045.

Visualize 2045 will highlight hundreds of regionally significant highway, transit, bicycle, and pedestrian projects being planned throughout the region in the coming decades. The plan will serve as a tool for visualizing the future—to help us understand where today’s planning and funding decisions will get us. Learn more about Visualize 2045.

Take the Visualize 2045 public input survey

We’ve launched a fun, interactive online survey to solicit input about people's travel patterns, how key transportation issues affect them, and their ideas for improving transportation in the region. 

We'll share our findings with elected leaders and regional planners to help them better understand public attitudes and opinion as they make decisions about the region’s transportation future. Take the survey!


Help us spread the word

We want as many people to hear about this survey as possible! Please help us spread the word by sharing the survey link with your mailing lists and social media networks. The survey will be open through July 31.

We’ll also be attending community events throughout the region over the next several weeks to get the word out and let people take the survey in person. Go to to see our calendar of events.

Stay connected

Learn about key public input opportunities, decision points, and new data and analysis as it becomes available. Sign up for email updates and follow #VIZ2045 on Twitter.


Visualize 2045 is being developed by the National Capital Region Transportation Planning Board, the federally designated metropolitan planning organization (MPO) for metropolitan Washington. The TPB is housed at and staffed by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG).


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