TPB News

Bike and ped funding, Visualize 2045, and urban freight coming up at the Oct. 18 TPB meeting

Oct 10, 2017

The TPB will consider five District of Columbia bike and pedestrian projects for funding under the federal Transportation Alternatives set-aside program. (Matt Johnson/Flickr)

The Transportation Planning Board is scheduled to meet at noon on Wednesday, October 18. The official agenda and all meeting materials will be posted on the Thursday before the meeting. Here’s a quick preview of what’s coming up:

Approving funding recommendations for DC bicycle and pedestrian projects. The TPB will consider five projects in the District of Columbia to recommend for $1.6 million in funding under the federal Transportation Alternatives set-aside program. In September, the board approved similar funding for six projects in Suburban Maryland. The projects were selected in part based on how they advance regional priorities like promoting non-motorized travel and supporting circulation within regional Activity Centers.

Kicking off the Visualize 2045 Technical Inputs Solicitation. The TPB will be asked to formally kick off the Technical Inputs Solicitation for the Constrained Element of Visualize 2045, the federally required long-range transportation plan for the region. The monthlong solicitation calls on area transportation agencies to submit projects, programs, and policy update for inclusion in the Constrained Element, which outlines all transportation investments the region expects to be able to afford between now and 2045. The board will also be briefed on an interim financial analysis showing total anticipated transportation revenue through 2045 as well as a report on preliminary findings from the Visualize 2045 public input survey, carried out this summer.

Approving an off-cycle amendment to the CLRP. The board will be asked to approve the addition of or changes to four projects in the Constrained Long-Range Transportation Plan (CLRP). The changes include ramp modifications to planned improvements on I-66 and I-95 in Northern Virginia, an earlier completion date for the replacement of the Governor Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge in Maryland, and Maryland’s I-270 Innovative Congestion Management project. Prior to its approval, the board will also review the results of the federally required Air Quality Conformity Analysis and all comments received during a 30-day comment period that ends October 14.

Identifying Critical Urban Freight Corridors. Federal law enables metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) like the TPB to identify road segments that are important for moving freight, in part to aid in the process of awarding federal freight funding. The board will be briefed on the federal regulations as well as road segments in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia proposed for designation as Critical Urban Freight Corridors.

Programming note: The TPB’s Long-Range Plan Task Force will convene after the October 18 TPB meeting. The agenda will be available Thursday, October 12, at

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