TPB News

Here's what's coming up at the March TPB meeting

Mar 10, 2020

The Transportation Planning Board is scheduled to meet at noon on Wednesday, March 18. The official agenda and all meeting materials will be posted on the Thursday before the meeting. Here’s a quick preview of what’s coming up:

FY 2021-2024 TIP, Visualize 2045 amendment, Air Quality Conformity. The TPB will take up the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Program, an amendment to Visualize 2045, and the Air Quality Conformity analysis for approval. Prior to the action, the board will review all the comments received during the comment period.

Approving work plans and budgets for FY 2021. The board will review the draft work plans and budgets for both the TPB and the Commuter Connections program for the coming fiscal year, which begins July 1. The proposed budget to carry out all elements of the TPB’s draft work plan is $18.8 million. The draft Commuter Connections budget is $6.4 million.

Transit Oriented Communities. As part of both the COG board and TPB’s focus on Transit Oriented Communities, TPB staff have developed an interactive map that identifies high-capacity transit station areas and classifies them according to various geographic filters. Staff will demonstrate the planning tool that can support local planning agencies’ efforts to identify opportunities for projects, programs, and policies that support the development of transit-oriented communities in the region.

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