News Highlight

2020 Video: Rising to the Moment, Planning for the Future

Dec 10, 2020
Video Officials

Local leaders reflect on the year in the COG Annual Video: Derrick Davis, Phyllis Randall, Christian Dorsey, Penny Gross, Charles Allen, Kelly Russell, Mark Jinks, Mark Belton, Karla Bruce, and Dr. Travis Gayles.

A pandemic. An economic recession. A national reckoning on race. The challenges of 2020 have been extraordinary, but the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) members have shown resilience and partnership in addressing them.

In COG's annual video, local leaders and Executive Director Chuck Bean reflect on the region's work together in 2020 to respond to COVID-19, advance equity, and plan for the future.

MORE: COG's virtual Annual Meeting recognizes partnership in a time of crisis

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