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National Capital Region officials promote 2023 National Preparedness Month

Sep 7, 2023

September is National Preparedness Month, coordinated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Ready Campaign, and the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) and its member governments are encouraging everyone in the region to plan ahead for emergencies. The 2023 theme is “Take Control 1, 2, 3,” which focuses on preparing older adults for disasters. With the increase in extreme weather events and emergencies that we now face, older adults need to be prepared to handle any emergency, now more than ever.

“This month metropolitan Washington’s emergency managers are focused on getting older adults ready to take control if disaster strikes,” said Seamus Mooney, Fairfax County Office of Emergency Management Coordinator, who serves as Chair of the COG Emergency Managers Committee. “Our region has organized interagency workshops on emergency preparedness and internet safety for older adults, and we are actively promoting resources and tips on our websites and social media. Preparation for a disaster is the only way to ensure our readiness to confront it.”

“As we’ve all noticed the uptick in flooding and dangerous storms, it’s a reminder for all of us, especially older adults, to make a plan and prepare for these increasingly common, severe weather events,” said Falls Church Council Member David Snyder, Chair of the COG Emergency Preparedness Council.

Officials recommend that older adults:

1.        Assess their needs.

2.        Make a plan.

3.        Engage their support network to stay safe when disaster strikes.

Older adults can achieve this by making copies of Medicaid, Medicare, and other insurance cards, preparing a first aid kit that includes all the items tailored to their individual needs, and planning how they would transport their assistive devices with them during an evacuation. The most important part is to communicate with their support network for assistance if a disaster strikes.

Information on making emergency plans is widely available on local government websites as well as FEMA’s site. You can also follow the hashtag #NPM2023 or #TakeControl123 on social media for up-to-date information.


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