Pavement and Bridge Condition Final Rule
The final rule for highway pavement condition and bridge condition published on January 18, 2017, became effective on May 20, 2017. State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) were required to report highway infrastructure conditions as well as performance targets on October 1, 2018 to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) could either adopt the performance targets or develop their own performance targets concerning pavement and bridge conditions.
Jurisdictional Data
Staff applied the final rule to the region’s latest pavement and bridge condition data for the region. The 2017 bridge data became available in January 2018, through the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) and 2016 pavement data became available in October 2017, through the Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS).
One-page summary sheets have been developed to report the pavement and bridge conditions. In addition to reporting the required performance measures (good and poor condition), the summary sheet also gives background information such as lane-miles of Interstate and Non-Interstate National Highway System (NHS), deficient bridges, and ownership of the Non-Interstate NHS. This information has been aggregated for the TPB planning area but is also provided for Suburban Maryland and Northern Virginia and for each jurisdiction in the region.
Browse pavement and bridge condition data (by state or county) through the interactive dashboard (below).
Data on Pavement and Bridge Performance are available for download from the Regional Transportation Data Clearinghouse.