

Below are the most recent publications of the Transportation section. Visit the documents search page to change filter parameters or to search by title.

  • State-of-Public-Transportation-2022-Report-thumbnail

    State of Public Transportation Report

    November 15, 2023

    Report provides an overview of the state of regional public transportation in the National Capital Region. 

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    Washington DC-MD-VA 2008 Ozone NAAQS Maintenance Plan Update

    September 27, 2023

    The District of Columbia, the State of Maryland, and the Commonwealth of Virginia request that the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)...

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    State of the Commute Survey Report

    August 14, 2023

    Commuter Connections State of the Commute (SOC) Report has been produced every three years since 2001 tracking a wide range of transportation information and...

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    National Capital Region Freight Plan

    July 19, 2023

    The National Capital Region Freight Plan describes the role freight transportation plays in the...

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    Local Jurisdiction Electric Vehicle (EV) Ready Checklist

    July 12, 2023

    The EV Ready Checklist provides a comprehensive high-level overview of steps local jurisdictions can work on to prepare their community and government fleet...

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    2022 Bike to Work Day Survey Results

    May 16, 2023

    This brief report presents results of a survey of commuters who participated in the 2022 regional Bike to Work Day event, held in May 2022. This survey was...

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    Enhanced Mobility Program Case Studies

    April 24, 2023

    The case studies describe projects receiving U.S. Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Section...

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    Commuter Connections Work Program

    This document provides information on an alternative commute program for the metropolitan Washington region called “Commuter Connections.” The...

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    Commuter Connections Guaranteed Ride Home Survey Report

    September 20, 2022

    This report presents the results of a survey (GRH survey) of commuters who currently participate or who have participated in the past in the regional...

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    Congestion Management Process (CMP) Technical Report

    July 8, 2022

    This report provides technical details and documents the Congestion Management Process in the National Capital Region. It contains updated congestion...

Results: 145 documents found.