News Highlight

COG grant and technical assistance programs help advance regional priorities

Feb 2, 2022

Bethesda (Ephien/Flickr)

The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) is committed to supporting its member governments as they work to collectively address four key regional challenges—housing, climate, transit, and equity—as outlined in a new Metropolitan Washington Planning Framework for 2030. This includes providing several technical assistance and grant opportunities throughout the year to help jumpstart projects that contribute to progress in these areas.

Three programs are currently seeking applicants for funding—the new Housing Affordability Planning Program, Transportation-Land Use Connections Program, and Regional Roadway Safety Program.

COG’s new Housing Affordability Planning Program (HAPP), made possible by the Amazon Housing Equity Fund, is seeking applicants for grant funding to support planning initiatives and projects that could increase the amount and affordability of housing opportunities near transit. HAPP will award small, flexible grants of up to $75,000 to area local governments and non-profit developers, and will award a total of $500,000 in funding. Proposals located in close proximity to the region’s High-Capacity Transit (HCT) Station Areas and which are located in Equity Emphasis Areas (EEAs) will be given priority consideration. While HAPP aims to advance the region’s 2030 Housing Targets, its benefits will be cross-cutting, with positive effects for climate, transit, and equity. The deadline to apply is March 23.  

The Transportation Land-Use Connections (TLC) Program, administered by the Transportation Planning Board (TPB) at COG, provides short-term consultant services to local jurisdictions for small planning projects that promote mixed-use, walkable communities and support a variety of transportation alternatives. In its sixteenth year, the program provides assistance of $30,000 to $60,000 for planning projects, and up to $80,000 for design or preliminary engineering projects. Like HAPP, applicants must also explain how the projects support regional planning principles, particularly HCTs and EEAs. The deadline to apply is February 22.

The TPB’s Regional Roadway Safety Program provides short-term consultant services to assist with planning or preliminary engineering projects that address roadway safety issues. The program provides consultant assistance of up to $60,000 for studies or planning projects, and up to $80,000 for design or preliminary engineering projects. TPB member jurisdictions and agencies are encouraged to put forward projects that will focus on reducing roadway fatalities and serious injuries in EEAs. The deadline to apply is March 18.​ram

These programs are just three of COG and TPB offerings that support the framework. Every other year the TPB’s Transit within Reach Program funds design and preliminary engineering projects to help improve bike and walk connections to HCTs. Annually, the Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Program directs federal funds to small-scale projects that make communities more walkable or bikeable, like trails and safe routes to school projects.

Through flexible grant and technical assistance programs like these, local governments can explore innovative ideas or advance critical projects while contributing to and advancing the region’s shared goals.

MORE: Met​ropolitan Washington Planning Framework

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