
Air Quality & Environment

The region has come a long way in addressing its air quality and other environmental challenges. But additional work remains in order to protect public health, sensitive ecosystems, and expensive infrastructure from the effects of air and water pollution and climate change.

To address these concerns, the TPB regularly forecasts future vehicle-related emissions of several common air pollutants and coordinates efforts to keep those emissions below approved regional limits. Through its regional Green Streets Policy, the TPB is promoting and coordinating approaches to roadway design that mitigate runoff after heavy rains, which can pollute and damage local waterways. And together, COG and the TPB are working to identify strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ways to adapt to the effects of climate change that are already underway or seen as inevitable.

News & Multimedia

  • 12_street_south_share_1_edit_1280_960

    Fall 2024 TPB Highlights

    November 29, 2024

    The TPB met on September 18, October 16, and November 20, 2024. Key agenda items included briefs on EV infrastructure implementation, the Regional Air Passenger...

  • Extreme rain at bus stop 14th and U Streets Washington DC

    TPB establishes new Regional Transportation Resilience Subcommittee

    November 13, 2024

    The Transportation Planning Board (TPB) approved Resolution R2-2025 on October 16, 2024, establishing the new TPB Regional Transportation Resilience...

Results: 43 found.